
  • MOHAMAD SHAHFIK AFENDI ABDUL GHANI Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
  • SYADIAH NOR WAN SHAMSUDDIN Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)



UX definition, usability definition, UX elements, usability, user experience


Kefahaman berkenaan konsep pengalaman pengguna (UX) adalah berbeza bagi setiap individu bergantung kepada latar belakang seseorang dan daripada industri mana mereka dikaitkan. ia juga dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang dan minat pengkaji itu sendiri. Kepelbagaian versi berkenaan konsep UX ini akan mengelirukan pembaca yang kurang berpengalaman. Selain itu, sehingga kini sesetengah pengkaji bersetuju bahawa UX dan Kebolehgunaan (Usability) tidak mempunyai perbezaan asas yang jelas terutamanya dalam kaedah pengukurannya. Oleh yang demikian, tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan mendedahkan definisi dan konsep UX secara komprehensif. Penulisan ini bermula dengan mengenalpasti elemen-elemen UX yang ditemui di dalam penulisan kajian-kajian terdahulu dan seterusnya mengetengahkan perbezaan di antara konsep UX dan Kebolehgunaan (Usability). Berdasarkan kajian literatur, penulisan ini mencadangkan bahawa pengukuran UX boleh dibuat berdasarkan elemen-elemen UX seperti Kebolehgunaan (Usability), Nilai (Value) dan Relevan, Kebolehcapaian (Accessibility), Kemudah gunaan (Ease of Use), Kualiti Hedonic dan Pragmatic, dan Daya Tarikan/ Estetik. Kesimpulannya, UX merupakan lanjutan daripada konsep Kebolehgunaan (Usability) yang melangkaui Keberkesanan (Effectiveness), Kecekapan (Efficiency) dan Kepuasan (Satisfaction). Oleh yang demikian, UX adalah sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan persepsi manusia yang mana bertindak balas terhadap produk, sistem atau servis apabila pengguna mengambil bahagian atau menggunakannya.


Different people have different understandings of the User Experience (UX) concepts depending on the background of the people and from which industries they are associated to. It is also influenced by the background and interest of the researchers itself. This various versions of UX concept could confuse naïve readers. Moreover, some researchers also agreed that there is vague differences between UX and Usability particularly in their method of measurements.. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to investigate and synthesis on the definition and concepts of UX comprehensively. This paper begins with the identification of the commonly mentioned elements of UX elements in the published research papers and then followed by the differences between the concepts of UX and Usability.. Based on the literature investigation this paper proposes that UX evaluation should consider the UX elements that include Usability, Value and Relevance, Accessibility, Ease of use, Hedonic and Pragmatic Quality, and Visual attractiveness/ Aesthetic. In additional, UX aspect is an extension to the usability concept which is beyond the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction. As a conclusion, UX is something to do with human perceptions which responses towards the product, system or service when they have participated with or used it.




How to Cite

ABDUL GHANI, M. S. A. ., & WAN SHAMSUDDIN, S. N. . (2020). DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS OF USER EXPERIENCE (UX): A LITERATURE REVIEW. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 8(1), 130–143.