Cartoon, Propaganda, Newspapers, Magazines, Dai NipponAbstract
Penulisan ini akan membicarakan fungsi kartun sebagai satu medium dalam usaha penyebaran
propaganda sewaktu pendudukan Jepun selama 3 tahun 8 bulan di Malaya. Penyelidikan terhadap
kartun-kartun bercorak propaganda yang pro kepada pemerintahan Jepun (Dai Nippon) masih belum
dianalisis secara kritis dalam konteks sumbangannya sebagai salah satu kaedah indoktrinasi yang
berkesan selain daripada kaedah propaganda melalui tetuang udara (siaran radio), risalah bertulis dan
filem-filem propaganda. Kartun-kartun yang tersiar di akhbar-akhbar seperti Malai Sinpo, The Malay Mail,
Syonan Times dan Penang Daily News memberi gambaran kepada penduduk Malaya pada waktu itu
mengenai doktrin romantik pembebasan ’Asia untuk Asia’ dan ’Lingkungan Kemakmuran Bersama Asia
Timur Raya’ (kempen Dai Toa Senso) yang dicanang megah oleh Kerajaan Dai Nippon. Kartun-kartun
propaganda turut tersiar di majalah-majalah utama seperti Semangat Asia, Fajar Asia dan Suara Timor.
Sumbangan kartun sebagai salah satu sumber perekodan sejarah pendudukan Jepun di Malaya dilihat
signifikan seperti mana rekod-rekod dan laporan-laporan bertulis. Tambahan pula, hal-hal yang kurang
diperkatakan dalam dokumentasi persejarahan negara, iaitu propaganda yang pro kepada pemerintahan
Jepun menjadi inti kepada penyelidikan ini. Lebih istimewa, dokumentasi tersebut menggunakan kuasa
visual (kartun) sebagai daya tarik naratif pensejarahannya.
This paper will discuss the function of cartoons as a medium for the efforts to spread propaganda during
the occupation of Japan for 3 years and 8 months in Malaya. The study on the cartoons designed
specifically for the propaganda to support the reign of Japanese (Dai Nippon), besides the propaganda
methods used, have not been critically analyzed in the context of its contribution as one of the effective
methods of indoctrination through the air-cast (radio broadcast), writing leaflets and propaganda films.
The cartoons were published in newspapers such as Malai Sinpo, The Malay Mail, Syonan Times and
Daily News gave the pictures to the people of Malaya at the time of the release of the romantic doctrine
‘Asia for Asia’ and ‘Prosperity Ring with Great East Asia’ (Dai Toa Senso campaign) that are bandied
stately by the Government Dai Nippon. Propaganda cartoons also appeared in major magazines such
as The Spirit of Asia, Fajar Asia and Suara Timor. Contributions of the cartoons as a source of recorded
history of the Japanese occupation in Malaya are seen as significant as other records and writing reports.
Furthermore, things are less talked about in the historical documentation of the country, namely proJapanese government propaganda became the core of this research. Exceptionally, the documentation
uses the visual power (cartoons) as an attraction of historical narratives.