
  • Yasmin Mohd Fauzi
  • Juliza Mohamad



Built Heritage; Architectural Intervention.


Kelantan terletak dalam pengasingan dari koridor perindustrian di pantai barat dan jauh dari pengaruh Kuala
Lumpur, Pulau Pinang dan Singapura. Adalah penting untuk menentukan daya-daya penentu pertumbuhan
bandar di negeri ini kerana pusat-pusat bandar di Kelantan mempunyai gabungan unik antara potensi
dan kekangan. Walau bagaimanapun, sebagaimana proses globalisasi dan urbanisasi perbandaran
yang berlaku di seluruh dunia, evolusi senibina di Kelantan tidak terkecuali dan pemeliharaan nilai-nilai
sejarah yang unik perlu dilakukan. Warisan senibina Kelantan hari ini kurang dihargai oleh masyarakat
kerana karaktornya yang terpencil dan kurang baik. Hal ini kerana proses pengekalan bangunan warisan
kurang diberi perhatian dan juga kurang mendapat penekanan daripada pihak berkuasa dan masyarakat
sendiri. Terdapat banyak bangunan-bangunan bersejarah di Kota Bharu yang telah dirobohkan untuk
tujuan pembangunan bandar dan ada sebahagian bangunan diberi pengaruh gaya seni bina moden
dan kontemporari tanpa mengambil kira nilai sejarah yang sedia ada. Pertumbuhan intervensi senibina
adalah tidak dapat dielakkan atas permintaan untuk memenuhi keperluan perbandaran. Akibatnya, corak
persekitaran bandar dan warisan senibina ini mengalami perubahan sepanjang proses pembandaran.
Selain itu, perubahan telah memberi kesan kepada suasana persekitaran iaitu bangunan (warisan alam
bina), serta perancangan jalan dan aktiviti.


Kelantan is situated somewhat in isolation from the industrial corridor of the west coast and far from the
sphere of influence of Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore. It is important to determine the forces of the
state’s urban growth determinants because urban centers in Kelantan have their unique mix of potentials
and constraints. However, as far as globalization and urbanization that are taking place worldwide, the
architectural evolution in Kelantan is not exempted and the preservation of any unique historical value
should be done. The heritage architecture value of Kelantan today, has not been appreciated by local
folks and society because of its isolated and poor characters which has not been maintained and well
emphasized by the authority and society themselves. Hence, the remarkable heritage property has been
‘invisible’ and demolished due to negligence and time factors. Moreover, there are many historical buildings
in Kota Bharu that had been demolished for urban development purposes and the influence of modern
and contemporary architecture style without considering the existing and distinctive of historical value.
The growth of architectural intervention is inevitably due to society and its demands to fulfill their urban
needs nowadays. As a result, the pattern of urban setting and heritage property had changed throughout
the years of urbanization. Moreover, the changes have affected the ambiance of surrounding i.e. buildings
(built-heritage), and streets planning and activities.




How to Cite

Mohd Fauzi, Y., & Mohamad, J. (2014). ARCHITECTURAL INTERVENTIONS: A CASE STUDY OF HERITAGE ZONE IN KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN. International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT), 2(1), 133–157.