Penerimaan, Aplikasi MobileAbstract
Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dilihat menjadi semakin mencabar khususnya terhadap guruguru di sekolah. Penggunaan kaedah yang semakin maju dan moden perlu dipelajari oleh guru-guru
agar pelajar tidak ketinggalan terutama dari segi pengajaran menggunakan kaedah yang lebih moden.
Kajian ini adalah untuk melihat tahap penerimaan guru sejarah terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mobile
dalam penyampaian subjek sejarah. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada guru-guru matapelajaran sejarah
di 15 buah sekolah menengah negeri Kelantan yang mana mewakili kawasan luar bandar dan bandar.
Kaedah kuantitatif digunakan untuk melihat tahap keperluan guru terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mobile
dalam penyampaian subjek sejarah. Hasil kajian telah direkodkan dan mendapati tahap penerimaan
guru terhadap penyampaian subjek sejarah menggunakan medium pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi
mobile adalah tinggi.
In the 21st century, the learning process needs to be integrated with the latest information technology.
The process of teaching and learning is very challenging. The integrating of advanced technologies in
teaching process is very crucial and must be learned by teachers so that students are not left behind
in their learning. This study is to examine the level of acceptance and the level of needs to use mobile
phone as a medium to teach historical subjects towards historical teachers. Data were collected by using
quantitative method. Questionnaires have been distributed among historical teachers whose are teaching
historical subject at 15 secondary schools in Kelantan. The schools involved are located in the rural and
urban areas. Data have been analysis and the finding of the study have been recorded and found that
the level of teacher acceptance and level of needs to use mobile phone as a medium to teach historical
subject is high.